Choosing gratitude…
11. Changes that make my heart ache, but that stem from my loving Father at work
12. Heartfelt prayer with my husband
13. Cleansing tears
14. Seven years of sweet fellowship with a precious group of believers
15. Countless meals delivered the arrival of babies and in times of sickness
16. The opportunity (and challenge) to teach our Blessings by example in a difficult situation
17. Hugs
18. The blessing of a trek through sunshine and snow this morning
19. The son who came back to hold my hand and help me on the last stretch of the snowy trek
20. “He has brought me here when I did not want to come for His own purpose. I too, will look up into His face and say, ‘Behold me! I am Thy little handmaiden Acceptance-with-Joy.’ ” Hind’s Feet on High Places
Wish I could be there to do lots of number "17". Consider yourself hugged many times by your mama. I am humbled that you have a grateful heart. "I have a thankful heart that you have given me and it only comes from you". The comfort comes from the refiner. Love, Mama